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Modern living presents a continual battle to manage conflicting demands.  We're challenged at work and at home to fulfil our potential while under continual stress to meet other peoples expectations and managing the uncontrollable.  Sometimes, all we need is find a little headspace with the help of a non-judgemental ear.  

Harvey and Dylan Fletcher - 2016 Team GB 49'er helmsman

Intelligent Effort "Linking everyday effort, choices and habits to the systematic achievement of long-term goals"

  • Starting with the end in mind 

  • My processes and systems 

  • My Habits and Choices 

  • My Current Performance and What it will take to Transition

  • Periodisation 

  • Weekly Planning & Reflective Practice 

  • Deliberate Practice ​


Harvey is currently working with Trinifold Sports Management to mentor an elite cohort of Golfers.  He is also part of Coach Mentoring programmes for UK Sport and the Premier League 

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